Thursday, 1 June 2017

Vaping helps against smoking

Vaping helps against smoking 

New data confirm that the e cigarette makes farewell to tobacco easier. Whether steam is really healthier, long-term studies should show - much speaks for it.
 The vaping of electronic cigarettes is becoming more and more popular. However, experts have long argued about how useful or harmful the e-cigarette is. According to a recent study by English scientists, steaming smokers can help get rid of the "real" cigarette. The researchers estimate that around 18,000 people in Great Britain in the UK will have become cigarette tobacco in the long term.

 N E-cigarettes, aromatized and optionally nicotine-added fluids are evaporated and inhaled. Unlike conventional smoking, no carcinogenic combustion products such as tar are produced.

The scientists at London University College used representative data from 43,000 smokers in England from 2006 to 2015, as reported in the BMJ journal. Added to this were information from the National Health Service. The analysis of the data suggests a link between the increase in steam and successful tobacco abstinence, even if the last proof is not possible on the basis of the information. The study contradicts the assumption that stealing the fight against smoking. Apparently the opposite is the case.

 If you stop at 40, you will be nine years longer

Although the number of 18,000 additional non-smokers is relatively small by the steam, the scientists around Jamie Brown admit. However, she is significant because abstinence has great health benefits. A 40-year-old, who gave up smoking, gained nine additional years of life compared to someone who was smoking. In the UK, there are nine million smokers, two million of which also steam.
 The study confirms a recently published overview of the independent Cochrane network, which evaluates the scientific knowledge on important medical topics. A total of 13 studies were included in the analysis. The result: E-cigarettes can help smokers to give up their vice. At least in the short and medium term you have no evidence of any serious side effects caused by the steam, the Cochrane scientists report. However, it is important to collect long-term data via the e-cigarette. Fortunately, several studies are underway.
 The dispute splits Great Britain and the USA

Still much is nebulous in connection with the steam, a final judgment is not possible. The science is divided into two camps through use and disadvantage. One is pragmatic and has its center in the UK. In August 2015, the prestigious organization Public Health England published a report on e-cigarettes, which culminated in the statement that these were 95 percent less harmful than conventional cigarettes. For smokers who can not or do not want to stop, the scientists recommended Ann McNeill from London's King's College to search for e-cigarettes. Motto: Better take a small risk than risking his life. Because humans smoke because of the comparatively little harmful nicotine, but they die at the tar.The report reflected the opinion of many British public health experts, and was particularly fierce on the other side of the Atlantic. Here, in the USA, the center of the tobacco and nicotine fundamentalists, including the Centers for Disease Control, is the powerful US health authority. They are concerned about abstinence at all costs. As steamed, smoking is to be regulated as far as possible and banished from public life in order to make access to young people in particular more difficult.
Because of the lack of scientific arguments, or even contradicting them - as the now published study - the abstinenceists called on the precautionary principle. It reverses the burden of proof and asks the manufacturers of e-cigarettes to prove the harmlessness of their products - an almost impossible task.

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